Our Natural World in Art

Rutland County Audubon's first-ever art show “Our Natural World in Art” opened with a reception last Friday night. We had a great turnout, with several of the artists in attendance, as well as Audubon members and art lovers. Many thanks to Stone Valley Arts and their talented volunteers who put together a beautiful and professional looking display.

Along with refreshments and wonderful classical music by guitarist Dave Burns, several items were sold in a silent auction to benefit RCAS.

Here is our favorite story of the evening: When the call for artists went out two months ago, we received a response from Erin Hanrahan. She had several pieces she offered for show, but they were not her own. Instead she wanted to display the art as a surprise to the artist, her mother-in-law, Sharon Hunt McCormick. Sharon had taken up painting at retirement and used her work for gifts and cards. Erin thought it was worthy of display (and so do we!).

Shortly after the show opened, Sharon arrived with her family. They made their way slowly around the gallery examining all the pieces done by other artists. As she turned the corner there on display was her own work. We don't know which delighted us more - Sharon's beautiful work or the surprised smile on her face when she discovered it!

It’s not too late to see Sharon's work or any of the other art at Stone Valley Arts at Fox Hill at 145 E. Main Street, Poultney. The gallery will be open June 3-4 and June 10-11, from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. 

If you were there Friday night, thank you for joining us. If you haven't seen the show yet, please stop by. And bring a friend!.