gmp-zetterstrom award to roy pilcher

On May 22 RCAS co-president Roy Pilcher received a great honor. He was awarded the Green Mountain Power-Zetterstrom Environmental Award. Named after Meeri Zetterstrom, who was instrumental in restoring ospreys to Vermont, the award recognizes people and organizations committed to improving the environment. And who is more deserving than RCAS's Roy Pilcher!

Over forty friends, RCAS members, friends and supporters, Roy’s family, former co-workers, fellow residents of The Gables, as well as representatives from Green Mountain Power, gathered near the boardwalk on a beautiful morning for the ceremony.

Fittingly, during a brief walk down Marble Street following, an Osprey was seen soaring overhead.

Congratulations, Roy, on this well-deserved award! You can read the Green Mountain Power press release here.