thank you Green Up volunteers!

A big thank you to the thirteen(!) RCAS members who volunteered their Saturday morning to clean up West Rutland Marsh during this year’s Green Up Day! With all your hard work the marsh is sparkling again and ready for the spring migrants that are pouring into the marsh and beyond.

Joining with other community members, we picked up everything from computer parts to tires to things too disgusting too name. Meanwhile West Rutland highway department employees worked hard patrolling the roads picking up the trash with their front-end loaders and trucks.

Always with our ears to the birds, we managed to compile a list of 33 species, many of them first of year birds for us. The che-bek of the Least Flycatcher was heard across from the boardwalk. The beautiful Baltimore Orioles are back at several of their usual spots along Marble Street. A Veery was heard along Whipple Hollow Road, where volunteers were also serenaded by a Winter Wren. Great Blue Heron, Osprey and Belted Kingfishers flew over. 

Each year we shake our heads in wonder that such thoughtless dumping occurs. By mid-day we are glad we made the effort again and can enjoy the marsh and its amazing birds in this best season of the year.