upcoming power line survey - volunteers needed!

RCAS will begin a new birding project this spring. We hope will appeal to members and non-members alike . Details will be provided at a meeting scheduled for Tuesday, April 17, 6:30 PM at the Union Church Parish house in Proctor. For newcomers, park in the back lot by driving past the main entrance and going left and down the hill. We will meet downstairs; there is a lower entrance just off the lot.

We have been asked to complete a bird species list by Audubon Vermont and Vermont Power (VELCO) for several power line areas. We expect this to involve surveying seven or eight power line routes in our area of Rutland County. It may involve more such as finding which species actually nest and where.

Experienced birders know that power lines are great places to find some of our favorite species.  The Eastern Towhee shown here came from a power line, a place we find them consistently. It’s also good for Blue-winged and Golden winged warblers and their hybrids. When it comes to finding birds we know there could be some exciting discoveries. That’s why we are doing it.

The meeting is being held to explain the project, answer questions and sign up volunteers. The meeting will be conducted by Mark LaBarr and Margaret Fowle of Audubon Vermont. We also hope to have a VELCO representative present. Sue Wetmore, RCAS board member and birder extraordinaire, will lead the project in Rutland County.

This is a way to learn about birds, enjoy seeing birds and contribute to their preservation and protection. We hope to see you there.