make your birding count!

We are pleased to announce Rutland County Audubon has joined five other Audubon chapters in Vermont in sponsoring eBird. For those of you not familiar with eBird, this is a great time to learn more about it and consider participating by submitting your bird sightings.

What is eBird and what does it do? Launched by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and National Audubon, eBird is an online, real-time checklist program that collects bird sightings across the country. Vermont eBird is administered by the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (VCE), who, along with other environmental organizations in the state, sponsor the site.

How can you help? Your sightings, whether in your backyard, on your favorite hike, or at one of Rutland County Audubon Birding Hotspots, can make a difference. Sightings from all our RCAS field trips are entered into eBird. The sightings provide scientists with information on the distribution and abundance of bird species.

For those of you that keep bird lists, eBird has the added bonus of keeping and sorting data, whether it’s a life list, a state list, or a yard list. Want to know when the first hummingbird of the season might be seen in Vermont? eBird can tell you that. Planning a trip to a state or national park this summer and want to know what birds might be seen? eBird can give you that information too.

Spring is around the corner so what better time to get started? Click here to check out eBird and what’s happening in the bird world!